One of the main issues that luxury brands face is counterfeiting. In 2020 alone, the U.S. Customs seized $1.3 Billion in counterfeit goods. Since most of the value of luxury goods is in the brand itself, ensuring that the products sold on the market are authentic is essential to preserve the prosperity of luxury brands.
Enter AURA. Born out of an unprecedented collaboration between luxury competitors, Aura Blockchain Consortium represents a single, innovative solution to shared challenges of communicating information on authenticity, responsible sourcing, and sustainability in a secure, digital format. Aura has the ability to track and trace any product with a unique digital identity based on a non-fungible token, with all brands collectively contributing to the blockchain governance and strategy.
Given that issues such as traceability, sustainability, and authenticity are common to all luxury brands, it made sense for these competitors to work together to drive change and develop a shared solution. LVMH joined forces with Prada and Richemont to design a private blockchain secured by ConsenSys technology and Microsoft. Aura is open to all luxury brands and offers flexibility to support companies of varying sizes and adapt to individual needs based on a licensing fee and a fixed fee per product.